Biographical Info
Dick has a musical background, going back to his childhood. He learned Piano/Organ and later Tenor Saxophone. The love of music extended into his adult life. As a musician, working with a number of dance bands, was invited to learn how to Square Dance. While uncertain about the activity, once the music started, he was hooked. Dick and LaDonna have been dancing since 1982. Dick sold his band equipment in 1983.
In 1995, Bill Morton, SE Region Caller (deceased 2001) asked Dick whether he might be interested in calling. Dick said “yes” and Bill became his mentor, critic and friend. When Bill became ill, Dick was able to help Bill during the time of his illness. Dick is a member of CallerLab
Dick calls for special events (camp outs, family reunions, demos, etc.). Dick and LaDonna continue to dance and are active dancers with the Century Squares (Rochester).
Categories: Caller